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The bracelet design must be converted to a simple text format and written to a file. This file can be prepared and edited using a text editor such as Windows notepad.
To convert the design, assign a single character to each colour in the bracelet (letters are case sensitive). Enter each line of knots in the bracelet section in order as line of text, with each knot in the line being represented by its colour character. Spaces can be used to improve the readability.
If you wish to modify a bracelet from the patterns database, you can easily copy the design into a file using the pat2design utility.
The design has two colours: yellow and red. Assign the character 'y' to yellow, and 'r' to red. The design has four lines of knots, the number of knots in the lines alternate between 4 and 3. The bracelet design file would contain the following text (optional spaces have been added for clarity), and can be download as design2.txt
y r r y y r y r y y r r y r
1001 101 0110 010
The program accepts a bracelet design file and produces a report with information about the design and a list of the knotting solutions that the program finds. For more help on the program and its options run
bracelet_solver -h
A typical way to run the program is as follows
bracelet_solver design2.txt > report_design2.txtThe program reads the design from the file design2.txt and writes the report into the file report_design2.txt. You can view the report file with a text processor or word processor.
When run this way the program will try to find a single solution (find more by setting the option -k) for each of a wide range of combinations of strings. It finds solutions quickly, but is not thorough.
Another way to run the program is to specify a particular set of strings. This will find the knotting paterns (set option -k to find more than one) that start with the set of strings. For example, the following command finds 8 distinct knotting patterns that start and end with the particular set of stings.
bracelet_solver -s yrryyrry design2.txt -k 0 > report_design2.txtNote: when using option -s, it may take a long (minutes), or very long, time to find a set of solutions for larger designs with few colours.
Usage: bracelet_solver [options] bracelet_design_file Read a text file containing a bracelet design, a formatted text representation of a repeating section of a bracelet, and find sets of strings and knotting patterns that will produce this section. Produce a report of solutions and write it to standard output bracelet_design_file A text file holding the knot lines and colours for a repeating section of a bracelet, in the following simple format. Assign a single character to each colour in the bracelet (letters are case sensitve). Enter each line of knots in the bracelet section in order as line of text, with each knot in the line represented by its colour character. The final text file will have an even number of lines, and as many lines as there are lines of knots in the bracelet section. If the first line has N knots, either all the lines will have N knots, or the lines will alternate between N and N-1 knots. Not all patterns have solutions! Options -h print this help text -v print the program version and licence -n num maximum number of solutions to find, 0 for no limit (default: 1000) -k num maximum number of knotting variations to find for each string permutation, 0 for no limit (default: 1) -s strs find all exact solutions for a specific set of strings (might take some time!)
bracelet_solver 0.01 Copyright 2013 Adrian Rossiter <adrian@antiprism.com> http://www.antiprism.com/other/bracelet_solver.html Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
Make an input pattern file, in exactly the same format as the generator pattern text produced in bracelet_solver report. This is a line of characters to represent the string colours, followed by a knotting pattern. The knotting pattern is copy pasted from the Friendship-bracelets.net Alternative Generator console.
Here is an example of how to convert Pattern #2. Start up the Alternative Generator with Pattern #2 (for a different pattern replace the 2 in the URL with the number of the pattern you wish to modify).
Write the top line of strings as a character for each colour, e.g.
yrryyrry DDdd DDd DDdd DDd
pat2design pat2.txt > design2.txt
y r r y y r y r y y r r y r
Email: adrian@antiprism.com | Modified: 10 October 2013 |