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leonardo - Leonardo da Vinci style models

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: leonardo [options] [input_file]

Read a file in OFF format, and thicken the faces and cut a hole in their
centres to produce a model like those illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. If
input_file is not given the program reads from standard input.

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -w <wdth> width of the perimeter border of the faces, follow by % for
            percentage of maximum width without overlap (default: 30%)
  -l <ht>   height to thicken faces, 0 for single polygon height, follow by
            % for percentage of width value (default: 100%)
  -c <cent> centre point to extrude faces towards, in form 'X,Y,Z', or C to
            use centroid (default: no centre, use calculated vertex normals)
  -p        faces converted to panels without holes (incompatible with
            -w, -x, -e)
  -m        distribute the height equally on both sides of the faces, so
            the original faces would lie in the middle of the new faces
            (use for non-orientable models)
  -x        hide the edges that join the outside of a face to the hole
  -e        take colours from the edge colours of the base polyhedron
            (default: use face colours)
  -k        keep orientation, don't try to orient the faces
  -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)


See also, leonardo examples with images.

Leonardo da Vinci style rhombicuboctahedron

leonardo std_rhombicuboctahedron | antiview -v 0.02

Leonardo da Vinci style rhombicuboctahedron, and hide edges that run from the outside of the faces to the holes
leonardo -x std_rhombicuboctahedron | antiview -v 0.02

Leonardo da Vinci style rhombicuboctahedron, and thicken border and use the same value for height
leonardo -w 0.3 std_rhombicuboctahedron | antiview -v 0.02

Leonardo da Vinci style rhombicuboctahedron, and thicken border and use a smaller value for height
leonardo -w 0.3 -l 0.05 std_rhombicuboctahedron | antiview -v 0.02

Models use the colours from the base faces by default. In this example a geodesic sphere dual has a proper colouring of its faces and is then converted to Leonardo da Vinci style model
off_color -f P geo_3_d -m map_orange:purple:white | leonardo -x | antiview -v 0.01

Models can also use the colours from the base edges. In this example a geodesic sphere dual has a proper colouring of its edges and is then converted to Leonardo da Vinci style model using the edge colours
off_color -e P geo_3_d -m map_orange:purple:white | leonardo -e | antiview -v 0.01

For non-orientable models, like the Mobius strip in this example, the original faces must have the height equally distributed on each side so that the units still meet correctly when the surface joins after being flipped over
unitile2d -s m -w 29 -l 2 | off_color -f P -m map_darkblue:white | leonardo -m -w 0.15 | antiview -v 0.02

To make an image of a wooden model, create a file called that contains these two lines
   #include ""
   #declare face_tex = texture { DMFWood4 scale 0.4 translate <3,2,4> };
Now create the POV-Ray model with a command like this
leonardo std_rhombicuboctahedron | off_trans -R 0,15,0 -R 15,0,0 | off2pov -i -x ev -B white > wood_rhombicubo.pov


Search for images of Leonardo da Vinci's polyhedron illustrations.

In an oriented model based on an Antiprism resource model the new units should generally have their outer side aligned with the original faces, and the units will meet well on the visible outer surface. In the opposite orientation the units will bind to the outside of the model, and will not generally meet so well on their outer visible surface. If units do not appear to be meeting well then try reorienting the model using off_util -O. In the case of using -m, for non-orientable models, neither of the new face unit surfaces coincide with the original faces and reorienting the model will not help.

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