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Programs: poly_kscope 5 images
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    Example commands using the poly_kscope program. This program repeats a model symetrically, acting like a polyhedral kaleidoscope. It will take a component polyhedron and make a compound with a particular symmetry.
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Expanded  Med    Lrg  
Description : The basic operation is to expand a model kaleidoscopically, according to some symmetry group. In this example a tetrahedron is offset and rotated, and in this position is repeated to create a model with octahedral rotational symmetry.

View this model with the command

off_trans -T 1,1,0 -R 10,0,20 tet | poly_kscope -s O | antiview -v 0.05
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Expanded  Med    Lrg  
Description : The basic operation is to expand a model kaleidoscopically, according to some symmetry group. The components can be coloured individually. In this example a tetrahedron is offset and rotated, and in this position is repeated to create a model with octahedral rotational symmetry. Each component has its faces coloured with a diferent colour using the colour map compound. Any colour map can be used, but this map produces a reasonable spread of colours. If no element types (from v, e and f) are specified all the elements will be coloured using the map. To colour by index number use the remap map.

View this model with the command

off_trans -T 1,1,0 -R 10,0,20 tet | poly_kscope -m f,compound -s O | antiview -v 0.05
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Compound  Med    Lrg  
Description : When making a compound the component will generally have symmetries that are also symmetries of the compound. This could lead to extra coincident copies of the component, but by default these coincident copies are removed (to keep them use the -I option). The more symmetries that are shared the fewer the copies of the component in the compound. In this example a cube in natural position is repeated to have full icosahedral symmetry. If the cube was positioned randomly the compound would generally contain 120 copies of it, but with this special alignment there are a lot of common symmetries and the resulting compound contains only five copies of the cube. Use the -Q option for some information about the compound, including the number of components.

View this model with the command

poly_kscope cube -m f,compound -s Ih -Q | antiview
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Compound List  Med    Lrg  
Description : When making a compound the component will generally have symmetries that are also symmetries of the compound. It could be difficult to align a component into a position where symmetries are shared using rotations and translations, as an alternative there is a facility to do this directly by symmetry. The option -y list will list all arrangements of the component and final symmetry according to how the component can be aligned to share a common symmetry group with the kaleidoscope. To make the model rerun the command but replace 'list' with the number and any optional realignment. Running this for the previous cube example, produces a list with 20 items
poly_kscope cube -s Ih -y list
The last number is 19 and corresponds to the compound of 5 cubes, as in the previous example
poly_kscope cube -s Ih -y 19 | antiview
In the following example the cube will be aligned on a C3v axis, and the optional realignment translates the cube 2 units along the icosahedral 3-fold axis.

View this model with the command

poly_kscope cube -m f,compound -s Ih -y 8,:2  | antiview -v 0.05
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Compound List  Med    Lrg  
Description : The kaleidocope can also be taken as the symmetry of a model. In this example an icosohedron is offset and rotated. It is read from standard input in this example using -s -, but if the model was in a file the argument would be the file name, e.g. -s A triangular dipyramid is aligned on a C3 axis of the icosahedron, and is translated 1.5 units along the axis.

View this model with the command

off_trans -T 1,1,0 -R 10,0,20 ico| poly_kscope -m f,compound -s - dip3 -y 3,:0:1.5  | antiview -v 0.03
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