canonical - canonicalize a polyhedon
Usage: canonical [options] [input_file]
Read a polyhedron from a file in OFF format. Canonicalize or planarize it.
Uses algorithms by George W. Hart,
If input_file is not given the program reads from standard input.
-h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
--version version information
-H documention on algorithm
-z <nums> number of iterations between status reports (implies termination
check) (0 for final report only, -1 for no report), optionally
followed by a comma and the number of iterations between
termination checks (0 for report checks only) (default: 1000,1)
-l <lim> minimum distance change to terminate, as negative exponent
(default: 12 giving 1e-12)
WARNING: high values can cause non-terminal behaviour. Use -n
-o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
Canonical and Planarization Options
-e <opt> edge distribution (default : none, canonicalization only)
s - project vertices onto a sphere
-s <opt> shuffle model indexes
v - vertices, e - edges, f - faces, a - all (default: none)
-t <opt> target model
b - work on base only (default)
p - work on dual for planarization only
c - work on dual for planarization and canonicalization
-p <opt> planarization only, or initial planarization if -c is set
(default: no planarization)
p - poly_form planarize (poly_form -a p)
m - mathematica planarize
a - moving edge planarize
b - base/dual (reciprocate on face centroids magnitude squared)
-i <itrs> maximum planarize iterations. -1 for unlimited (default: -1)
WARNING: unstable models may not finish unless -i is set
-c <opt> canonicalization
c - circle packings (default)
m - mathematica version
a - moving edge version
b - base/dual version (reciprocate on face normals)
x - none (default, if -p is set)
-n <itrs> maximum canonical iterations. -1 for unlimited (default: -1)
WARNING: unstable models may not finish unless -n is set
-d <perc> radius test. percent difference between minimum and maximum radius
checks if polyhedron is collapsing. 0 for no test
(default: 80 for canonicalizing, not used for planarizing)
-y maintain symmetry and alignment of the base model during
processing (with -p p, -c c)
Extra Options
-Q <perc> percentage to scale edge tangency (default: 50) (-c m)
-P <perc> percentage to scale face planarity (default: 20) (-c m, -p m, -p p)
-f <adj> initial percent adjustment factor, optionally followed by a comma
and a maximum percent adjustment (default: 1,50) (-c c)
-C continue processing a near-canonical model (the initial
intermediate processing model will preserves the geometry
of the base model rather than avoid scrambling) (-c c)
Scene Options
-O <args> output b - base, d - dual, i - intersection points (default: b)
edge nearpoints, n - base, m - dual; c - base/dual convex hull
edge nearpoints centroid, p - base, q - dual; o - origin point
tangent sphere, u - minimum, U - maximum
incircles, s - base, t - dual; as rings, S - base, T - dual
-q <dist> incircles offset to avoid coplanarity e.g 0.0001 (default: 0)
-g <opt> roundness of tangent sphere, positive integer n (default: 8)
-Y align output model geometry to full symmetry
Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
keyword: none - sets no color, u - input base model, color of element unchanged
-F <col> face color/operation, assignment (required), transparency (optional)
assignments to are: b - base, d - dual, i - intersection points
edge nearpoints, n - base, m - dual; c - base/dual convex hull
edge nearpoints centroid, p - base, q - dual; o - origin point
u - tangent sphere, incircles (or rings), s - base, t - dual
(one element, required; multiple -F as needed)
-F d,b - face color by convexity, -F b,d - color from base verts
-F s,f take color from faces, -F t,f take color from faces
defaults: b - 'u' unchanged, d - 'b' take color from base verts,
i - yellow, n,p - red, m,q - darkgreen, c - white,
o - yellow, u - white, s,t - 'f' color of face
-E <col> edge color (same format as for faces) (defaults: unchanged)
-E d,b - edge color by convexity
-V <col> vertex color (same format as for faces) (defaults: unchanged)
transparency: valid range from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque)
-m <maps> a comma separated list of color maps used to transform color
indexes (default: colorful), a part consisting of letters from
v, e, f, selects the element types to apply the map list to
(default 'vef'). use map name of 'index' to output index numbers
convexity: white,gray50,gray25 (for -F d,b, -E d,b)
Make a cube, distort it, and canonicalize it back into a cube
off_util cube | off_trans -S 1,2,3 | canonical | antiview
Make a geodesic sphere, canonicalize it, and add it to it reciprocal
geodesic -c 2 ico | canonical -O bd | antiview -v 0.02
Make a propeller cube, canonicalize it, and cover it with the tranparent
convex hull of the base and reciprocal
conway pC | canonical -O bdc -F white,c,128 | antiview -v 0.01
Make a gyro icosahedron, make it transparent, canonicalize it, and show the
edge tangent sphere and base edge nearpoints
conway gI | canonical -O bnU -F u,b,128 | antiview -v 0.01
A nice conway notation model and the same model as base and dual incircle rings
conway ageC | canonical | antiview -v 0.01
conway ageC | canonical -O ST | antiview -v 0.01
The program will not always converge, and produce the canonical form.
In this cases it may help to distort the polyhedron before running
canonical. This could be done with off_util -S, repel,
poly_form, off_trans or even editing the OFF file by hand.
George Hart has a page on
Uses algorithms by George W. Hart,
The 'Mathematica' algorithms have been written to follow George Hart's
Mathematica implementation
The following extended help for the program may be displayed with
canonical -H
Calculating Canonical Polyhedra (description of mathematica algorithm)
A relaxation algorithm is presented to determine a canonical form for an
arbitrary convex polyhedron.
by George W. Hart
One important role of high-level mathematical software such as Mathematica is
that it easily allows for the testing of experimental algorithms. Here we
explore a method of finding a canonical form of a polyhedron. The canonical
form is a polyhedron topologically equivalent to an input polyhedron, but with
all edges tangent to a unit sphere and with the center of gravity of the
tangent points being the origin. A variety of examples will illustrate this
procedure. One application is that the algorithm constructs a geometrically
self-dual polyhedron given one which is only combinatorially self-dual.
A theorem of Schramm [Schramm 1992] states that for any given convex polyhedron
or 3-connected planar graph, there is a topologically equivalent polyhedron
with the following properties:
1) each edge is tangent to the unit sphere,
2) the center of gravity of the points of tangency is the origin.
The solution is unique, up to rotations and reflections of the sphere and so
provides a kind of canonical representation. Although we will not pursue it
here, the theorem is actually more general in that it allows the sphere to be
replaced with an arbitrary smooth convex body, e.g., an egg-shaped
quasi-ellipsoid. The theorem is closely related to the Koebe-Andreev-Thurston
Circle Packing theorem for planar graphs. See Ziegler [Ziegler 1995, p. 118]
for discussion and other references.
For example, if our input polyhedron is a geometrically distorted (but
topologically unchanged) form of any Platonic or Archimedean solid, and we
calculate its canonical form, our algorithm should output its undistorted form
centered at the origin, with a midradius of 1, and with an arbitrary rotation.
E.g., given any parallelepiped as input, the canonical form output is a cube of
edge Sqrt[2]. For an arbitrary polyhedron, the canonical form is a way of
illustrating its combinatorial or topological structure, which often lets one
immediately see and understand its structure and symmetry.
As an illustration, we will use the algorithm to find three geometrically
self-dual polyhedra, given starting points which are only combinatorially
self-dual. It follows from the above that the dual polyhedron also shares
properties (1) and (2). Thus, for these three self-dual examples, we can make
a compound of the polyhedron with its dual, i.e., with itself, in which both
polyhedra have the same points of tangencies and at these points their edges
cross each other's at right angles.
The proofs cited above are of existence and not constructive, so we are
interested in an algorithm for determining the canonical form of an input
polyhedron. The algorithm proposed here operates by relaxation to iteratively
move the vertices of the given polyhedron along a trajectory which converges
at the canonical form. Although we begin and end with a polyhedron, during this
relaxation, the object defined by the vertices is likely not to be a polyhedron
geometrically. Sets of points which belong to a face (combinatorially) are
likely not to be coplanar. So we add a third condition for a solution, to the
two above:
3) the faces are planar.
Our algorithm inputs a polyhedron and iteratively adjusts its vertices to
slightly improve its conformance with the three conditions above. Within a
couple of hundred iterations, it typically finds all the conditions are
satisfied within a small tolerance, and stops. Three simple operations are all
that is needed, corresponding to the three conditions:
A) For each edge, the closest point to the origin is determined; call it p.
If p lies at unit distance from the origin, condition (1) is satisfied for
that edge. If not, a small fraction of p is added to the two vertices
which define the edge, (in proportion to the sign and amount of the error)
so that at the next iteration the edge will be closer to tangency with the
unit sphere.
B) The center of gravity of all the points p is determined. If it is zero,
condition (2) is satisfied. If not, it is subtracted from all the vertices.
C) For each face, if the vertices lie in some plane in space, condition (3) is
satisfied. If not, a plane which approximates it is computed. Each vertex
of the face is then moved along a normal towards the plane.
Iterating, it sometimes takes many steps for a correction at one part of the
polyhedron to percolate its way around and equalize the conditions everywhere.
On the examples below, between 50 and 100 iterations were sufficient to have
all conditions satisfied within a tolerance of 10^-8. Although the individual
steps are quite simple, this takes a minute or so in these examples and would
take longer on more complex polyhedra. Refinement and optimization are left as
future work.
Additional Work by Adrian Rossiter:
Edge near-point / circle-packing canonicalisation algorithm
A polyhedron with a midsphere corresponds to two circle packings on the
same sphere: the incircles of the base faces and the incircles of the dual
faces. The circles from the two packs intersect at the edge tangency points
of the base (or dual) polyhedron in two orthogonal tangent pairs. By moving
a set of points until they satisfy the conditions for being the intersection
points of these circles, a model corresponding to a polyhedron with a
midsphere can be made.
If the midsphere is the unit sphere, and the edge tangency points have
their centroid at the sphere centre then the polyhedron is canonical.
Processing model
The processing model has a vertex for each edge tangency point, and a face
for each circle of the two packs. Each vertex is therefore surrounded by four
faces, and these faces correspond, in opposing pairs, to each of the two
circle packs.
The canonical model is solved when the processing model satisfies
the following conditions:
* the vertices are at distance 1 from the origin
* the vertices have their centroid at the origin
* the faces are planar, hence each set of vertices corresponding to a
base/dual face lies on a circle of the base/dual circle pack
* each vertex lies on the two planes through the origin containing the
normals of opposing faces, hence each pair of circles meeting at the
vertex are tangent (and this is sufficient to ensure that they are
also orthogonal)
1. Translate the base model to carry the vertex centroid to the origin.
2. Converted to an 'ambo' form. The vertices are truncated to a single
point on each edge. These points are initially set to either the
centroid of the edge vertices (better for a general input), or the
point on the edge line nearest to the origin (better for a
near-canonical input).
3. Make a list of the cycle of four faces around each vertex. Alternate
faces will be opposing faces.
4. Choose a small termination value, that if the minimum vertex
movement is less than this then the iteration terminates.
5. The amount of vertex movement is controlled by an adjustment factor,
which can change each iteration. Choose a starting value (e.g. .1),
and a maximum value (e.g. .5).
An offset will be calculated for each vertex, and will be applied
near the end of the iteration loop.
For each vertex:
1. Initialize the offset to zero.
2. Adjust for the tangency point centroid:
to the offset.
3. Adjust for coplanar / circular points:
Calculate the projection the vertex onto its four surrounding planes,
and then calculate the centroid of these four projection points. Add
(projection_point_centroid - vertex) * factor
to the offset.
4. Adjust for mutual tangency / orthogonality:
For each pair of opposing faces:
find a normal to their normals (a base or dual edge direction)
calculate the projection of the vertex onto a plane through the origin
with this normal
(projection_point_centroid - vertex) * factor
to the offset.
5. Adjust for unscrambling:
If a vertex does not lie inside the cycle of its four neighbouring
vertices, make the following adjustment. Add
(neighbour_vertices_centroid - vertex) * 0.5 * factor
to the offset.
6. Add the offset to the vertex
7. Scale the vertex to have a length of exactly 1
8. Adjust the adjustment factor:
If the maximum offset length is less than that of the last iteration
then scale the factor by 1.01 (if this will not exceed the maximum
specified), but if it is greater then scale the factor by 0.995.
9. Terminate iteration if the maximum offset length is less than the
termination value.
Final model
The processing model has faces that correspond to base faces and those
that correspond to dual faces, which also correspond to base vertices as
they were the faces produced by vertex truncation.
The final base model retains the faces of the original base model, but
each vertex is set to the polar reciprocal of the corresponding processing
model face plane.
For each vertex in the base model
1. Determine the corresponding processing model face.
2. Calculate the point nearest to the origin on the face plane, and its
distance from the origin, and the final vertex position is
position = point / distance^2
Symmetry optimisation
The algorithm is suitable for use with a symmetry optimisation. This
also forces the original symmetry to be maintained, as repeated processing
of the vertices may otherwise cause them to wander from the original
Use the symmetry group of the base model. In the processing model just one
vertex from each orbit is processed. The faces surrounding the vertex have
their other vertex positions calculated, once per iteration, by a symmetry
transformation of a processed vertex.
To avoid calculating all the vertex positions for the centroid, it can be
calculated as: the centroid of the processed vertices, each projected onto
the subspace left invariant by the subgroup that fixes it, and weighted by
the number of vertices in its orbit.
From George Hart:
An interesting theorem states that there exists a "canonical form" of any given
convex polyhedron. This canonical form is a possibly distorted version of the
given polyhedron in which the vertices are positioned in space to satisfy the
following properties:
1) all the edges are tangent to the unit sphere,
2) the origin is the center of gravity of the points at which the
edge touch the sphere,
3) the faces are flat (i.e. the vertices of each face lie in some plane),
but are not necessarily regular.
It follows that a dual to the canonical polyhedron can be constructed which has
the above three properties as well, and the edges of the canonical polyhedron
and its dual cross at right angles. The representation is unique except for its
rotations and reflections.
Antiprism Note: These properties are measured for making a canonical model.
While the algorithms calculate vertex locations within a distance given by
-l n, meaning 10 to the -n power, the mathematical error of the measure of
intersections between the base model and its dual accumulates. The precision
of the intersections is measured to be within 10 to the -(n-2) power. The
mathematical error of the planar measure of a face is multiplied by the face's
number of edges. To achieve a measurably planar model may be beyond precision
limits of the processor.
Tip: If the dual of a model has faces with less sides, it may easier to achieve
a planar model by instead working on the dual using option -t c. Face side
counts can be found with off_report -C s
If a canonical base is produced as an off file, the reciprocal will need to be
generated using the midsphere with pol_recip -c M
geodesic - geodesic spheres
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