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miller - Miller's stellations of the icosahedron

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: miller [options] input

Millers 59 Icosahedra Stellations. Plus additional stellations since discovered
input may be Miller list number from 1 to 75. Or m_string where string consists
of one or more cell names: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,e1,f1,f1',g1,e2,f2,g2  e.g m_De1f1g1
model string can be followed by I or Ih symmetry. e.g. m_e1f1',I

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -L        list models only
  -l <lim>  minimum distance for unique vertex locations as negative exponent
              (default: 12 giving 1e-12)
  -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)

Program Options
  -M        merge stellation facelets (for cell name strings only)
  -r        rebuild compound model to separate vertices

Scene Options
  -O <args> output s - stellation, d - diagram (default: s)

Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
keyword: none - sets no color
  -F <col>  color the faces according to: (default: 255,193,37, if compound, k)
              a color value - apply to all faces
              k - sets of faces connected by face edges (compounds)
              s - symmetric colouring [,sub_group,conj_type]
              q - from stellation diagram
              h - face/face connection count (model is altered with kis)
  -E <col>  color the edges according to: (default: invisible)
              a color value - apply to all edges
              f - color with average adjacent face color
              q - from stellation diagram
              n - colour by number of faces connected to each edge
  -V <col>  color the vertices according to: (default: invisible)
              a color value - apply to all vertices
              e - color with average adjacent edge color
              f - color with average adjacent face color
              q - from stellation diagram
              n - color by order of vertex
  -T <t,e>  transparency. from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque). element is any
            or all of, v - vertices, e - edges, f - faces, a - all (default: f)
  -m <maps> a comma separated list of color maps used to transform color
            indexes (default: compound), a part consisting of letters from
            v, e, f, selects the element types to apply the map list to
            (default 'vef'). use map name of 'index' to output index numbers
              compound:   yellow,red,darkgreen,blue,magenta,cyan,darkorange1


View stellation number 9 in the list
miller 9 | antiview

View the E shell with face and edge connectivity by color
miller m_E -F h -E n -V e | antiview -v 0.05


miller was written by Roger Kaufman.

It is based on Miller's 59 stellations of the icosahedron. But it also adds further discoveries and possibilities.

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