repel - equilibrium of points repelling on a sphere
Usage: repel [options] [input_file]
An equilibrium position is found for a set of points which repel each
other. The initial coordinates are read from input_file if given (or
from standard input), otherwise use -N to generate a random set.
-h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
--version version information
-N <num> initialise with a number of randomly placed points
-n <itrs> maximum number of iterations, -1 for unlimited (default: -1)
-s <perc> percentage to shorten the travel distance (default: adaptive)
-r <exp> repelling formula, 1/distance^exp (default: 2)
-l <lim> minimum change of distance/width_of_model to terminate, as
negative exponent (default: 12 giving 1e-12)
-z <nums> number of iterations between status reports (implies termination
check) (0 for final report only, -1 for no report), optionally
followed by a comma and the number of iterations between
termination checks (0 for report checks only) (default: 1000,1)
-o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
Make a snub cube
repel -N 24 -l 15 | conv_hull | antiview
Make a snub cube in fewer iterations by not using adaptive shortening
repel -N 24 -s 1 -l 15 | conv_hull | antiview
The default adaptive shortening of travel will not always be quickest.
It is worth experimenting with specific values using option -s.
However, in the snub cube examples above the adaptive shortening gives
better results, producing more accurate squares.
The progress report includes the number of iterations, the greatest
distance moved by a point, the shortening factor, and the sum of all
the forces.
bravais - Bravais lattices
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