EXTRA: rotegrity - make rotegrity and nexorede models
Usage: rotegrity [options] [input_file]
Read a file in OFF format containing a roughly spherical polyhedron, or
previously twisted model, and try to convert into a rotegrity or nexorade.
Units keep original edge colours. If input_file is not given the program
reads from standard input.
-h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
--version version information
-a <type> model type: rotegrity, nexorade, for nexorade followed
by an optional comma and strut length
-f <frac> fraction of length for end sections (default: 1/3)
-t input model is already twisted (produced by -O f)
-M <mthd> method of conversion from base model - twist, double, joined,
or X (default: t)
-O <type> output type for units: full (face), rotegrity (3 short struts),
nexorade (long strut), Nexorade (long strut, direction vertices)
(default: full). Only 'full' output can be used as input with
option -t
-m <maps> a comma separated list of colour maps used to transform colour
indexes (default: rand), a part consisting of letters from
v, e, f, selects the element types to apply the map list to
(default 'vef')
-c <type> colouring type: edge (base model edges), symmetry, unit
(according to shape), none (default: edge)
-s <perc> percentage to adjust corrections on iteration (default: 98)
-n <itrs> maximum number of iterations, -1 for unlimited (default: 10000)
-l <lim> minimum change of distance/width_of_model to terminate, as
negative exponent (default: 15 giving 1e-15)
-z <nums> number of iterations between status reports (implies termination
check) (0 for final report only, -1 for no report), optionally
followed by a comma and the number of iterations between
termination checks (0 for report checks only) (default: 1000,1)
-o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
Rotegrity Examples
See also,
rotegrity examples with images.
Convert a geodesic sphere into a nexorade and colour by symmetry
rotegrity -c s -O r geo_3_1 | antiview -v 0.01
Make a rotegrity with double units. It has alternate winding around base
faces and base vertices.
rotegrity -c s -O r -M 2 geo_2_1 | antiview -v 0.01
Make a rotegrity with triple units. It has alternate winding around base
faces and base vertices.
rotegrity -f 0.2 -c s -O r -M 3 geo_2 | antiview -v 0.01
Add a central white sphere to make models easier to view
off_color -v invisible -e invisible -f white geo_10 -o sph.off
rotegrity -c s -O r -M 2 geo_3_1 | antiview -v 0.01 - sph.off
Class I and II geodesic spheres have edges related by mirror symmetry,
and these appear to become rotegrity units of the same length (there are
ten shorter edge lengths, and ten edge orbits in this example). The
colours of the rotegrity here are taken from the edge colours of the
base model
off_color -e S geo_3_3 | rotegrity | antiview -v 0.01
rotegrity geo_3_3 | off_report -C E
off_report -C O geo_3_3
The convex hull of a random collection of points will generally
jam during solution.
repel -N 83 -n 100000 | conv_hull | rotegrity -O r | antiview
A previously processsed model can be processed again by specifying by
using full face outout with rotegrity -O f and rereading with
rotegrity -t
zono -P 10 | rotegrity -c s -s 1 -n 100 -O f | rotegrity -t -O r | antiview -v 0.02
Nexorade Examples
Convert a geodesic sphere into a nexorade and colour by symmetry
rotegrity -a n -c s -O n geo_3_1 | antiview -v 0.01
Having seen the report written to the screen by the previous command,
recreate the model with the given radius (antiview -e 0.0078889)
and a strut length slightly longer than the minimum
(rotegrity -a n,0.45)
rotegrity -a n,0.45 -c s -O n geo_3_1 | antiview -v 0.0078889 -e 0.0078889
Make a nexorade with double struts.
rotegrity -a n,0.45 -c s -O n -M 2 geo_2_1 | antiview -v 0.0079 -e 0.0079
A previously processsed model can be processed again by specifying by
using full face outout with rotegrity -O f and rereading with
rotegrity -t
zono -P 10 | rotegrity -a n -c s -s 1 -n 100 -O f | rotegrity -a n -t -O n | antiview -v 0.02
There are some relevant threads on the
GeodesicHelp group:
Tensegrities, nexorades & rotegrities,
Nexorades/Rotegrities - Frequencies 1 through 3 and
New Nexorade/Rotegrity project.
The program will not solve all base models, and even models which appear
reasonable may scramble, jam or contract to a point.
Try reducing option -s if a model scrambles or contracts (e.g.
-s 0.1), and use a low number of iterations to see how the model
transforms before failing.
Option -M selects different model types, and makes arrangements
of units that replace an original unit. Although, -M d produces
attractive models it, along with -M X, does not produce especially
unique models. -M d is like applying the Conway join operator,
then forming a basic rotegrity, then reversing the openings corresponding
to original face centres. -M X is like applying the Conway ortho
operator, then forming a basic rotegrity, then reversing the openings
corresponding to original face centres. Reviewing a number of other unit
replacement schemes revealed they were all like applying a Conway
operator, applying -M t or -M j, then reversing openings
corresponding to particular "centre" types in the Conway operator pattern.
To produce attractive raytraced images of rotegrity models
with the elements represented by straps, use the off2pov include
file share/pov_inc/rotegrity.inc included in
the Antiprism package. Control the strap width with
off2pov -v and the starp thickness
. Example command (must use rotegrity -O f
to include faces data and off2pov -t no_tri to ensure that
the faces are not triangulated)
off_color -e S geo_3_1 | rotegrity -O f | off2pov -t no_tri -v 0.02 -i rotegrity.inc -o rot_geo_3_1.pov
povray +a +p +H600 +W800 rot_geo_3_1.pov
To produce attractive raytraced images of nexorade models
with the elements represented by rods, use the off2pov include
file share/pov_inc/nexorade.inc included in the Antiprism
package. Check the solution report to choose an edge radius
and strut length. Example command, (must use rotegrity -O f
to include faces data and off2pov -t no_tri to ensure that
the faces are not triangulated).
off_color -e S geo_3_1 | rotegrity -a n -O f -o nex_geo_3_1.off
off2pov -t no_tri -v 0.00789 -e 0.45 -i nexorade.inc -o nex_geo_3_1.pov nex_geo_3_1.off
povray +a +p +H600 +W800 nex_geo_3_1.pov
EXTRA: sweep_edges - sweep edges to make a surface
Programs and Documentation