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stellate - polyhedron stellations

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: stellate [options] [input_file]

Stellate a polyhedron.

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -l <lim>  minimum distance for unique vertex locations as negative exponent
               (default: 12 giving 1e-12)
  -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)

Program Options
  -f <fnos> face number of input file for stellation diagram (default: 0)
            followed by face numbers of stellation diagram for stellation
            model separated by commas. multiple -n parameters as needed
  -s <sym>  symmetry subgroup (Schoenflies notation)
  -M        do not merge stellation facelets
  -I        do not remove inline vertices (if not -M)
  -S        do not split pinched faces (if not -M)
  -R        resolve stellation facelets
  -D        remove multiples occurrences (sets -R)
  -r        rebuild compound model to separate vertices

Scene Options
  -O <args> output s - stellation, d - diagram, i - input model (default: s)
               D - diagram faces used highlighted, S - with symmetry
               R - resolved faces used for stellation (when using D or S)
               F - highlighted faces only (when using D, S or R)
  -z        move first diagram to face front (out of symmetry alignment)
  -w <int>  width to project stellation diagram (default: 500)

Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
  -V <col>  vertex color (default: invisible)
               keyword: none - sets no color
               e - color with average adjacent edge color
               f - color with average adjacent face color
               n - order of vertex
  -E <col>  edge color (default: invisible)
               keyword: none - sets no color
               f - color with average adjacent face color
               C - edge/face connection
  -F <col>  face color. Or use method for using color in map (default: d)
               keyword: none - sets no color
               d - from diagram
               s - symmetry
               c - color by compound
               C - face/face connection count
  -T <tran> face transparency. valid range from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque)
  -m <maps> color maps. stellation diagram or face symmetry (default: compound)


Display the stellation diagram for the icosahedron in I symmetry
stellate ico -f 0 -s I | antiview

Create a torroid stellation from the icosahedron. off_trans is used to position the icosahedron in D5 symmetry. Then face 18 is used from stellation diagram for icosahedron face 0. Faces 4 and 47 are used from stellation diagram for icosahedron face 3. -s D5v specifies which sub-symmetry to use.
off_trans -y D5 ico | stellate -f 0,18 -f 3,4,47 -s D5v | antiview


stellate was written by Roger Kaufman.

It offers a way to generate stellation diagrams and build off of these to generate stellations.

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