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waterman - Waterman polyhedra

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: waterman [options] lattice

Use sphere-ray intersection for producing Waterman Polyhedra. Lattice can be

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -v        verbose output (on computational errors)
  -l <lim>  minimum distance for unique vertex locations as negative exponent
              (default: 12 giving 1e-12)
  -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)

Program Options
  -r <r,n>  clip radius. r is radius taken to optional root n. n = 2 is sqrt
  -q <cent> center of lattice, three comma separated coordinates
              0 for origin  (default: origin)
  -M <mthd> 1 - sphere-ray intersection  2 - z guess (default: 1)
  -f        fill interior points (not for -C c)
  -t        defeat computational error testing for sphere-ray method

Scene Options
  -C <opt>  c - convex hull only, i - keep interior, s - suppress (default: c)

Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
keyword: none - sets no color
  -F <col>  color the faces according to: (default: n)
              a color value - apply to all faces
              n - color by number of sides
              s - symmetric coloring [,sub_group,conj_type]
              special coloring: calculates color from normals, not maps
              y - color by symmetry using face normals
              z - color by symmetry using face normals (chiral)
  -E <col>  color the edges according to: (default: lightgray)
              s - symmetric coloring [,sub_group,conj_type]
  -V <col>  color the vertices according to: (default: gold)
              a color value - apply to all vertices
              s - symmetric coloring [,sub_group,conj_type]
  -T <t,e>  transparency. from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque). element is any
            or all of, v - vertices, e - edges, f - faces, a - all (default: f)
  -m <maps> a comma separated list of color maps used to transform color
            indexes (default: colorful), a part consisting of letters from
            v, e, f, selects the element types to apply the map list to
            (default 'vef'). use map name of 'index' to output index numbers
              colorful:   red,darkorange1,yellow,darkgreen,cyan,blue,magenta,
  -Z <col>  fill vertex color (default: model vertex color)


Make a Root 10 Waterman polyhedron
waterman -r rt20 fcc | antiview

Make a Root 50 Waterman polyhedron, with symmetrically coloured faces
waterman -r rt100 fcc -F y | antiview

Make a Root 50 Waterman polyhedron centred on an octahedron centre, with symmetrically coloured faces
waterman -q 0.5,0.5,0.5 -r rt100 fcc -F y | antiview


waterman was written by Roger Kaufman (with contributions from Adrian Rossiter.)

For more details about these polyhedra see Waterman Polyhedra on Steve Waterman's site.

The program uses an efficient algorithm that makes it suitable for calculating Waterman polyhedra up to root 1,000,000 and more.

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