Programs and Documentation
- off2pov - convert OFF files to POV format
- off2vrml - convert OFF files to VRML format
- off2crds - convert an OFF file to a coordinate file
- off2dae - convert an OFF file to Collada (DAE) format
- off2obj - convert an OFF file to Wavefront OBJ format
- obj2off - convert a Wavefront OBJ file to OFF format
- off_util - utilities for OFF files (orientation, merging, etc)
- off_trans - transformations (rotations, translations, etc) of OFF files
- off_color - add colours to an OFF file
- off_color_radial - radial colouring based on symmetry
- off_align - alignment of OFF files
- planar - convert overlapping coplanar polygons into non-overlapping tiles
- off_report - report global measures (e.g. area, volume, centroid), maxima, and counts
- off_query - list element data
- off_normals - utility for working with normals
- conv_hull - convex hulls (using Qhull)
- pol_recip - polar reciprocals (duals)
- canonical - canonicalize a polyhedron
- geodesic - geodesic spheres
- zono - zonohedra
- stellate - polyhedron stellations
- conway - Conway Notation transformations
- wythoff - Wythoff-style constructions
- poly_kscope - polyhedral kaleidoscope
- to_nfold - change the rotational symmetry of a polyhedron
- symmetro - polyhedra with regular polygons at symmetry axes
- kcycle - kaleidocycle rings of polyhedron
- leonardo - Leonardo da Vinci style models
- poly_form - make face-regular, equal-edge and unscrambled polyhedra
- col_util - colour utilities, plots and blending
- lat_util - lattice utilities
Extra programs are more loosely related to polyhedra, incomplete or of
limited use. They are provided for interest only.
Using OFF format
- Antiprism Python
(by Adrian Rositer)
- polyhedron modelling scripts
- Antiprism Addons
(by Roger Kaufman)
- package of utilities, viewers and modelling programs
- Geomview
- 3D viewing and processing
- JavaView
- 3D viewing and processing (Java)
- simple-off-viewer
(by Wagyx)
- 3D viewer to embed in a web page
- Springie
(by Tim Tyler)
- 3D viewing and processing (Java)
- MeshLab
- Converts from OFF to other formats, e.g. STL, 3DS, DXF
- Qhull -
convex hulls and delaunay triangulation
Handling Antiprism Export Formats
- POV-Ray
- Persistence of Vision Raytracer, using pov format
- Sketchup
- CAD program, will import Collada
- VRML Viewers
- Links to VRML viewers
- ImageMagick
- Image processing, builds animations
antiview - interactive OFF file viewer
Polyhedron Modelling Software