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Programs and Documentation

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Antiprism Documentation


  • antiview - interactive OFF file viewer
  • off2pov - convert OFF files to POV format
  • off2vrml - convert OFF files to VRML format
  • off2crds - convert an OFF file to a coordinate file
  • off2dae - convert an OFF file to Collada (DAE) format
  • off2obj - convert an OFF file to Wavefront OBJ format
  • obj2off - convert a Wavefront OBJ file to OFF format
  • off_util - utilities for OFF files (orientation, merging, etc)
  • off_trans - transformations (rotations, translations, etc) of OFF files
  • off_color - add colours to an OFF file
  • off_color_radial - radial colouring based on symmetry
  • off_align - alignment of OFF files
  • planar - convert overlapping coplanar polygons into non-overlapping tiles
  • off_report - report global measures (e.g. area, volume, centroid), maxima, and counts
  • off_query - list element data
  • off_normals - utility for working with normals
  • conv_hull - convex hulls (using Qhull)
  • pol_recip - polar reciprocals (duals)
  • canonical - canonicalize a polyhedron
  • geodesic - geodesic spheres
  • zono - zonohedra
  • stellate - polyhedron stellations
  • conway - Conway Notation transformations
  • wythoff - Wythoff-style constructions
  • poly_kscope - polyhedral kaleidoscope
  • to_nfold - change the rotational symmetry of a polyhedron
  • symmetro - polyhedra with regular polygons at symmetry axes
  • kcycle - kaleidocycle rings of polyhedron
  • leonardo - Leonardo da Vinci style models
  • poly_form - make face-regular, equal-edge and unscrambled polyhedra
  • col_util - colour utilities, plots and blending
  • lat_util - lattice utilities

Extra Programs

Extra programs are more loosely related to polyhedra, incomplete or of limited use. They are provided for interest only.

General Documentation

Links to Complementary Programs

Using OFF format
  • Antiprism Python (by Adrian Rositer) - polyhedron modelling scripts
  • Antiprism Addons (by Roger Kaufman) - package of utilities, viewers and modelling programs
  • Geomview - 3D viewing and processing
  • JavaView - 3D viewing and processing (Java)
  • simple-off-viewer (by Wagyx) - 3D viewer to embed in a web page
  • Springie (by Tim Tyler) - 3D viewing and processing (Java)
  • MeshLab - Converts from OFF to other formats, e.g. STL, 3DS, DXF
  • Qhull - convex hulls and delaunay triangulation
Handling Antiprism Export Formats
  • POV-Ray - Persistence of Vision Raytracer, using pov format
  • Sketchup - CAD program, will import Collada
  • VRML Viewers - Links to VRML viewers
  • ImageMagick - Image processing, builds animations

     Next: antiview - interactive OFF file viewer
     Up: Polyhedron Modelling Software

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