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col_util - colour utilities including plots and blends

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: col_util [options]

various plots of maps, colors and blendings

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
  -f <type> for output type 4, map is output instead of OFF file
               map type: rgb=1, antiprism=2, decimal=3 (default: 1)

Scene Options
  -M <mode> color system mode. HSV=1, HSL=2, RGB=3 (default: 2)
  -d <int>  output type. plot=1, wheel=2, grid=3, map=4 (default: 1)
  -y        RYB mode. Blend colors as in Red-Yellow-Blue color wheel
  -c        CMY mode. Complementary colors.  RGB->(RYB/GMO)->CMY->blend
  -b <val>  brightness adjustment. valid values -1.0 to +1.0 (default: 0)
               negative for darker, positive for lighter, 0 for no change
            (-y also affects location of color on plot. -c and -b affect
             all colors in all output types)

Output for grid (-d 3) Options
  -w <int>  width of grid. positive integer. (default: automatic)
              keyword: b - display as color bars
  -I        exclude map indexes on grid

Output for plot (-d 1) Options 
  -r <int>  HSV/HSL container (default: 4)
              cylinder=1, conic=2, hexagonal=3, cube=4
  -S        HSV/HSL distribute colors heptagonally, 7 ways, as in the rainbow
  -k <int>  container visibility (default: 2)
               0 - suppress, 1 - no facets (-r 3),  2 - full
  -z <int>  1 - show model upright, 2 - upright, don't rotate cube (RGB -M 3)
  -q <int>  height of cone or pyramid (-M 2, -r 2,3) (default: no change)
               1 - double, 2 - make perimeter angle 90 degrees dihedral
  -R        show reference primary and secondary colors on containers

Color Blending Options (-d 1, -M 1,2, -p)
  -p        plot color centroid (or multiple centroids -s, -v)
  -V        verbose output. show color blend RGBA components 
  -s <sat>  HSV/HSL saturation curve. Greater than 0 (default: 1)
               1.0 - no curve. lower than 1.0 makes blends more pastel
               4 numbers can be entered separated by commas
  -t <val>  HSV/HSL threshold to use average saturation (default: 1)
               between 0.0 (all averaging) and 1.0 (no averaging)
  -v <val>  HSV/HSL value curve. Positive integer (default: 0)
               simulates subtractive coloring for blending 3 or more colors
               RGB: Red+Green+Blue = White   Cyan+Magenta+Yellow = Black
               RYB: Red+Yellow+Blue = Black  Green+Magenta+Orange = White
               1.0 - no curve. lower than 1.0 number makes blends lighter
               0.0 - use average value instead
               4 numbers can be entered separated by commas
  -u <val>  HSV/HSL value advance. Rotates meaning of blend to white and black
               valid values 0.0 to 120.0 degrees (default: 0)
  -a <int>  alpha for blend. average=1, minimum=2, maximum=3 (default: 3)

Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
  -m <map>  get colors from a color map, or multiple maps separated by commas
  -O <file> get colors from an OFF file
               note: -m and -O may be used together
  -U <opt>  sort colors. s - simple,  u - unique  (by hue, saturation, value)
  -Z <int>  maximum entries to read from open ended maps (default: 256)


RGB cube centroid of blue and yellow
col_util -d plot -m map_blue:yellow -M rgb | antiview -v 0.05

HSV cylinder centroid of blue and yellow
col_util -d plot -m map_blue:yellow -M hsv -r cylinder | antiview -v 0.05

Blend in conic container in HSL mode and RYB mode
col_util -d plot -m map_blue:yellow -M hsl -p -y -r conic | antiview -v 0.05

Blend in cubic contain in HSL model and RYB mode with different saturation modifiers
col_util -d plot -m map_blue:yellow -M hsl -p -y -s 0.8,1.01,2,3 -r cube | antiview -v 0.05

Compare additive and subtractive colouring in cubic container
col_util -d plot -m map_red:green:blue -M hsl -p -v 1,2,3,4 | antiview -v 0.05
col_util -d plot -m map_red:green:blue -M hsl -p -v 1,2,3,4 -c | antiview -v 0.05

Plot rainbow colour map in RGB cube
col_util -m rainbow -M rgb | antiview -v 0.03

Plot rainbow colour map in HSL cylinder, hexagonal dipyramid, or heptagonal dipyramid
col_util -m rainbow -M hsl -r cylinder | antiview -v 0.03
col_util -m rainbow -M hsl -r hexagonal | antiview -v 0.03
col_util -m rainbow -M hsl -r hexagonal -S | antiview -v 0.03

Display a color wheel of red green and blue
col_util -d wheel -m map_red:green:blue | antiview

Display rainbow colour map as a grid or as a color bars
col_util -d grid -m rainbow | antiview
col_util -d grid -m rainbow*10 -I -w b | antiview


col_util was written by Roger Kaufman.

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