lat_util - lattice utilities
Usage: lat_util [options] [input_files]
Read one or more files in OFF format, combine them into a single file and
process it. Operations take place in the order listed below. input_files is the
list of files to process. If they don't exist, explicit edges are created.
If the input possesses faces they are stripped by default.
-h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
--version version information
-I verbose output
-l <lim> minimum distance for unique vertex locations as negative exponent
(default: 12 giving 1e-12)
-o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
Scene Options
-z suppress stripping of faces
-c <type> container, c - cube (default), s - sphere (uses radius)
-k <file> container, convex hull of off file or built in model (uses radius)
-r <c,n> radius. c is radius taken to optional root n. n = 2 is sqrt
or l - max insphere radius, s - min insphere radius (default)
or k - take radius from container specified by -k
-q <xyz> center offset, three comma separated coordinates, 0 for origin
-s <s,n> create struts. s is strut length taken to optional root n
use multiple -s parameters for multiple struts
-D <opt> Voronoi (a.k.a Dirichlet) cells (Brillouin zones for duals)
c - cells only, i - cell(s) touching center only
-C <opt> c - convex hull only, i - keep interior
-A append the original lattice to the final product
-R <fi,s> repeat off file fi at every vertex in lattice. If optional s is
set, sort and merge elements whose coordinates are the same to
the number of decimal places given by option -l. elements can
include: v - vertices, e - edges, f - faces, a - all (vef)
n - no merging (default 'a'. Colors blended as RGB)
-K append cage of container of -k to final product
-Z <col> add center vertex to final product in color col
-O translate center of final product to origin
Listing Options
-Q <vecs> center for radius calculations in -L (default: centroid)
c - original center, o - original center + offset in -q
-L <opt> list unique radial distances of points (to standard output)
f - full report, v - values only
-S <opt> list every possible strut value (to standard output)
f - full report, v - values only
Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
-V <col> vertex color, (optional) transparency, (optional) elements
transparency: valid range from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque)
elements to color are l - lattice, c - convex hull, v - voronoi
(default elements: lcv)
Note: input element colors from -R input are not changed
-E <col> edge color (same format as for vertices)
lower case outputs map indexes. upper case outputs color values
t,T - for color edges by root value of final product
-F <col> face color (same format as for vertices)
special coloring: calculates color from normals, not maps
lower case outputs map indexes. upper case outputs color values
y,Y - color by symmetry using face normals
z,Z - color by symmetry using face normals (chiral)
-T <tran> face transparency for color by symmetry. valid range from 0 to 255
Repeat a cube in a chequerboard pattern
lat_grid fcc 3 | lat_util -R cube | antiview
Include points of a grid that are inside a truncated octahedron. Include the cage of the truncated octahedron. Add struts of 2. Make a convex hull of the included points and keep the interior points. Color the convex hull symetrically and make transparent.
lat_grid fcc 3 | lat_util -s 2 -k tr_oct -K -C i -F Y -T 128 | antiview
lat_util was written by
Roger Kaufman.
polygon - polygon based polyhedra
Programs and Documentation