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off_trans - transformations (rotations etc) of OFF files

Usage    |    Examples    |    Notes


Usage: off_trans [options] [input_file]

Read a file in OFF format and apply transformations to it. If
input_file is not given the program reads from standard input.

  -h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
  --version version information
  -T <tran> translate, three numbers separated by commas which are
            used as the x, y and z displacements
  -R <rot>  rotate about an axis, three, four or six numbers separated by
            commas. If three numbers these are angles (degrees) to rotate
            about the x, y and z axes. If four numbers, the first three
            are a direction vector for the axis, the last number is the
            angle (degrees) to rotate. If six numbers, these are two
            vectors (from,to) and rotate to carry the first to the second.
            If twelve numbers these are four vectors (from1,from2,to1,to2)
            and rotate to carry the first onto the third then rotate around
            the third to carry the second onto the fourth
  -M <norm> reflect in a plane, three numbers separated by commas which
            give a vector normal to the plane of reflection.
  -S <scal> scale, one, three or four numbers separated by commas. If one
            number then scale by this factor in all directions. If three
            numbers these are the factors to scale along the x, y and
            z axes. If four numbers, the first three are a direction
            vector for the scaling, the last number is the factor to scale
  -I        inversion
  -A <crds> transformation that will align two sets of three points
            (18 numbers coordinates of from1,from2,from3,to1,to2,to3)
  -a <angs> transformation that makes particular angles between the
            mapped axes, angles in degrees in form yz_ang,zx_ang,xy_ang
            (corresponding to the angles opposite the x-, y- and z-axis)
  -X <mtrx> transformation matrix of 9 or 12 values, given left-to-right
            top-to-bottom, used to premultipy each coordinate
  -C        translation that carries the centroid to the origin
  -y        align geometry with the standard alignment for a symmetry type,
            up to three comma separated parts: symmetry subgroup (Schoenflies
            notation) or 'full', conjugation type (integer), realignment
            (colon separated list of an integer then decimal numbers)
  -Y        align standard alignment of a symmetry type with its position
            as a subgroup of another symmetry type, up to four comma
            separated parts: main symmetry (Schoenflies notation) or
            file name, subgroup (Schoenflies notation), conjugation type
            (integer), realignment (colon separated list of an integer
            then decimal numbers)
  -s <type> relative scaling, scale so a measure has a value of 1.
            VAa need an oriented polyhedron, V needs a closed polyhedron.
            A - area                       a - average face area
            E - perimeter (sum of edges)   e - average edge length
            V - volume                     r - radius, from centroid
                                               to furthest vertex
  -i        replace the current combined transformation by its inverse
  -o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)


See also, off_trans examples with images.

std_cube is a cube with vertices (±1, ,±1, ±1). To rotate 45 degrees it about the edge running from (1,1,1) to (1,1,-1) the cube must be translated so that line passes through the origin, roatated 45 degrees about the direction of the line, then translated back.

off_trans -T -1,-1,0 -o std_cube
off_trans -R 0,0,1,45 -o
off_trans -T 1,1,0 -o

This can be combined as
off_trans -T 1,1,0 -R 0,0,1,45 -T 1,1,0 std_cube | antiview


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