n_icons - sphericon like polyhedra
Usage: n_icons [options]
Creates Sphericon like Polyhedra. Also known as Streptohedra
-h,--help this help message (run 'off_util -H help' for general help)
--version version information
-I information on current n-icon
-l <lim> minimum distance for unique vertex locations as negative exponent
(default: 12 giving 1e-12)
-o <file> write output to file (default: write to standard output)
Program Options
-n <n/d> n-icon of order n. n must be 3 or greater (default: 4)
use d to make star n-icon. d may not equal n
-t <twst> number of twists. Can be negative, positive or 0 (default: 1)
-s side-cut of even order n-icon (default is point-cut)
-H hybrid of even order n-icon
-a angle (-z 3 only)
-r <num> override inner radius (-z 2 only)
-R <num> override outer radius (-z 2 only)
-b don't split bowtie faces for twisting (-z 3, -t 0 only)
-z <mthd> construction method
1 - n/d must be co-prime. bow-ties can occur (default for d=1)
2 - n/d compounds allowed. shell model (default for d>1)
3 - n/d compounds allowed. No bow-ties (default if angle not 0)
Scene Options
-M <m,m2> longitudes of model of m sides with optional m2 of m sides showing
m may be odd, 3 or greater if twist is 0 (default: 36,36)
-g make m2 longitudes invisible instead of deletion (no -c)
-A place a north and south pole in top and bottom if they exist
(twist 0 or n/2, causes indentation of caps with side cut)
-c <clse> close open model if m2<m. Valid values h or v (-z 1,2)
h = horizontal closure, v = vertical closure
-x <elms> v, e and f to remove OFF faces with one vertex (vertices),
two-vertices (edges) and three or more vertices (faces)
E - if face is invisible, associated edge is made invisible
-Y for n/d shells, when showing edges, show indented edges
-W add symmetry polygon (-f s,c or -e s)
Coloring Options (run 'off_util -H color' for help on color formats)
keyword: none - sets no color or methods. use: map_'color name'% for one color
-F <mthd> mthd is face coloring method. The coloring is done before twist
s - color by symmetry polygon (default)
f - color circuits with flood fill (-z 2,3 any n/d)
c - color by compound
k - color by compound with flood fill (-z 2,3 any n/d)
note: the following color options may look better at twist 0
l - color latitudinally
m - color longitudinally
b - checkerboard with first two colors in the color map
n - use each color in map in succession
x - first two colors based on sign of x
y - first two colors based on sign of y
z - first two colors based on sign of z (z is the twist plane)
o - use first eight colors per xyz octants
-E <mthd> mthd is edge coloring method. The coloring is done before twist
keyword: Q - defer coloring all edges to option Q (default)
or use the same letter options specified in -f, except c,k
F - color edges with average adjoining face color
-T <t,e> transparency. from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque). element is any
or all of e - edges, f - faces, a - all (default: f)
-m <maps> color maps to be tried in turn. (default: colorful, circuits -C)
optionally followed by elements from e or f (default: ef)
use map name of 'index' to output index numbers
colorful: red,darkorange1,yellow,darkgreen,cyan,blue,magenta,
circuits: white,gray50 (continuous, discontinuous no wrapping)
-S color circuits symmetrically for coloring method s,f (even n)
-C color continuous and discontinuous circuits with first two colors
in the color list (-I required, s,f coloring, no -S, no -z 2)
-O <strg> face transparency pattern string. valid values
0 -T n,f value suppressed, 1 -T n,f value applied (default: '1')
-P <strg> edge transparency pattern string. valid values
0 -T n,e value suppressed, 1 -T n,e value applied (default: '1')
-Q <col> color given to uncolored edges and vertices (default: invisible)
-G <c,e> default color c for uncolored elements e (default: darkgray,ef)
elements e can include e or f
-X <int> flood fill stop. used with circuit or compound coloring (-f f,k)
use 0 (default) to flood fill entire model. if -X is not 0 then
return 1 from program if entire model has been colored
Surface (or Compound) Count Reporting (options above ignored)
-L <type> types of n-icons to list. Valid values for type
p = point cut even order n_icons
s = side cut even order n-icons
o = odd order n_icons
h = hybrids (all)
i = hybrids (where N/2 is even)
j = hybrids (where N/2 is odd)
k = hybrids (where N/4 is even)
l = hybrids (where N/4 is odd)
-N <n,n2> range of n-icons to list. n > 2
-D <int> set d of n/d for the report (default: 1)
-K <k,k2> range of surfaces (or compounds) to list. k > 0 (default: 2,1000)
-J long form report
-Z filter out case 2 types (surfaces only)
-B list compounds instead of circuits
The Sphericon
n_icons | antiview
The Dual of the Spherican
n_icons -s | antiview
A Hybrid of the Sphericon and its Dual
n_icons -H | antiview
The N-icon of 20 twisted 5 increments. The five surfaces are
colored with the default colors. No edges or vertices are shown.
n_icons -n 20 -t 5 -F s | antiview
Same as above but only using colors red, orange, and yellow.
n_icons -n 20 -t 5 -F s -m map_red:orange:yellow% | antiview
Same as above but 50 percent transparent.
n_icons -n 20 -t 5 -F s -m map_red:orange:yellow% -T 128 | antiview
The N-icon of 30 twisted 5 increments. The faces are colored
white and the edges are the default colors.
n_icons -n 30 -t 5 -F n -m map_white%,f -E s | antiview -e 0.1 -v 0.1
The N-icon of 12/4 twisted 2 increments colored by compound.
n_icons -n 12/4 -t 2 -F c | antiview
The N-icon of 12/4 twisted 4 increments colored by compound. Shell model is created and 3/4 open to view interior.
n_icons -n 12/4 -t 2 -F c -z 2 -M 36,27 | antiview
The N-icon of 12/4 twisted 4 increments colored by compound. Star polygon model is created and 3/4 open to view interior.
n_icons -n 12/4 -t 2 -F c -z 3 -M 36,27 | antiview
The reporting subsystem is used. A list of even order N-icons with
n between 3 and 30 and more than one surface are listed.
n_icons -L p -N 3,30 -J
The reporting subsystem is used. A list of hybrid N-icons with
n between 3 and 30, d (of n/d) is 3, and two or more compound parts.
n_icons -L h -N 3,30 -K 2,100 -D 3 -J -B
n_icons was written by
Roger Kaufman.
For more details on the construction see Roger's
N-icon study.
waterman - Waterman polyhedra
Programs and Documentation